
A fire broke out at a scrapyard in immediate proximity to a residential area. Gas cylinders used to power the scrapyard’s heavy machinery exploded, hurling debris into local residents’ gardens. Firefighters extinguished the fire after several hours of efforts. The entire scrapyard’s facilities were destroyed.

The operator attributed the fire to arson, as one of the employees living at the scrapyard had received threats from people outside the facility.

The inspection authorities for classified facilities identified several non-conformities and irregularities during their inspection the following day:

  • The scrapyard had no fire-protection pond.
  • The site had no bund but did have a concrete pad. However, this pad was permeable and allowed the firewater to leach into the ground. Traces of hydrocarbons were found on a plot of natural land adjacent to the scrapyard. The River Vital, located beyond this plot of land, was polluted. A portion of the firewater drained into an underground tank. The surface of the water in the tank was iridescent, indicating hydrocarbon pollution from the vehicles stored at the scrapyard, and from the vehicle oil and fuel storage building that was destroyed by the accident. Combustion residues from the fire are currently exposed to the elements and may further pollute the ground and waterway in the event of rain.
  • The blown-open gas cylinders remain at the scrapyard. Some of these cylinders were stored less than 8 m from the scrapyard’s fence, which is in violation of regulations.

The prefect issued an emergency-measures decree ordering the operator to:

  • Have the solid and liquid waste taken away and treated by specialist firms.
  • Carry out a study of the accident’s environmental impacts.
  • Conduct a hazard study to identify the risk control measures to be put in place to prevent a similar accident recurring.
  • Repair the concrete pad to make it impermeable.
  • Install fire suppression systems that are appropriate to the risks and in compliance with regulations.
  • Install a firewater collection system (network shut-off valve, retention pond).
  • Keep all flammable or combustible substances at least 8 m away from the scrapyard’s fence.