
In a plant manufacturing polyester resin and by-product mixes, a forklift operator tipped over a tank containing 300 litres of acetone, which spread along the floor. The battery-powered forklift ignited the puddle that had formed. The ensuing fire spread into the workshop, reached a 30 to 40-tonne tank of polyester being mixed and extended to all tanks containing acetone (i.e. 3.5 tonnes). Fire-fighters arrived quickly at the scene. Before battling the workshop blaze with foam, they set up a water curtain in order to protect the nearby solvent storage. Three individuals sustained slight facial injuries. A crisis response unit was assembled at the Prefecture. Employees of this plant and neighbouring businesses were evacuated, while residents of adjacent buildings were ordered to remain indoors. The accident was brought under control in 2 h 20 min. Since the workshop had been installed on a retention basin, the extinction water had for the most part been contained. Nonetheless, a small quantity was discharged beyond the facility via the safety shower outlet and a sump for workshop floor cleaning water. At the request of the Inspection Authorities for Classified Facilities, these drainage points were clogged. Inspectors also reminded the plant operator of his obligations regarding the treatment of wastes and water generated by the fire. Given the favourable weather conditions, the plume of smoke did not create a nuisance for local residents. The crisis unit was disbanded 30 min after the incident was under control. The workshop was destroyed (1000 m²), but the fire wall located between the shop and the finished product storage room prevented the blaze from spreading; 36 employees were made redundant.