
A fire broke out at around 3 am in a tyre landfill in a former quarry (recovery of used tyres as backfill). The fire front extended over 200 m. The fire concerned tyres shredded over a surface area of 4,000 m² and a height of 2 m. Access was difficult and there was a risk of pollution of the air and La GARTEMPE river. The emergency were called to the scene. The cell being filled, affected by fire was covered with clay to suffocate the fire. Smoke spread to the neighbouring village. As the risk of pollution was eliminated, the emergency services released the chemical emergency squad and pollution response unit at around 9.10 am. The Inspection of classified installations recommended to the local authorities thermometric monitoring of the backfill to make sure that it was cooled correctly and reminded them of the preventive provisions laid down by the municipal order regulating the site.