
At 4:45 pm, a fire kindled seven wooden pallets and plastic packaging containers of chemicals deposited in a waste storage area of a pharmaceutical plant. These wastes were awaiting shipment to external treatment facilities. Black smoke was driven by a strong north wind towards the SAONE. The internal emergency plan was triggered. Small explosions were reported by the first responders. At 4:50, the fire was mastered by the plant firefighters. At 5 pm, the emergency plan was lifted, the area remained under surveillance for several hours.

After examination of the premises, no trace of physical initiator that may have provided sufficient energy for the combustion was recovered. It is assumed that the origin of the fire is linked to the presence of reagents such as hydrides whose decomposition releases hydrogen. This hypothesis seems all the more plausible that the instability of hydrides with temperature is demonstrated even when they are stabilized by an alkaline medium.

The procedure for the collection, storage and processing of contaminated packaging was revised and supplemented by a comprehensive list of reagents to be treated with care. Instructions for waste management were reminded to all employees and subcontractors. Finally, general information was made on the importance of observing instructions for sorting and waste management and the potential consequences of such accidents.

The experience feedback from the accident was sent to the other sites of the group.