
In a plant dedicated to sorting and crushing metal wastes and elastomers or rubber, fire broke out on a stockpile of rebar scheduled for crushing and containing combustible materials, composed mainly of polymers (e.g. gums, miscellaneous plastics), fabrics and cardboard. Since the site was closed at the time, the watchman immediately notified fire services. Once on-site, fire-fighters were quickly able to control the blaze, thanks in particular to the limited inventory (30 tonnes) and assistance from employees. They still continued sprinkling in order to avoid any resumption of combustion. The speed of fire detection and emergency response prevented property damage and limited the environmental consequences. The smoke release remained minor, unlike the characteristic plumes of a tyre fire, given that this blaze was primarily triggered by a temperature rise without extensive flames, while outputting water vapour for the most part. Dispersion was effective as winds drove the smoke away from the nearest dwellings. Fire water was collected in a storm basin and discharged into a municipal collector system. Two hypotheses were forwarded to explain the origin of this fire: malicious act or adverse climatic conditions. The operator decided to direct remedial actions at all of the site’s fire-fighting equipment in order to ensure effective operations day in day out.