
At the end of the night shift, fire broke out in a dairy drying tower during skim milk powder production. The blaze spread throughout the installation: chambers, fluidised beds, and bag filter. The filter explosion vents and chamber were operating normally. The extinction system had apparently been launched simultaneously by technicians and the temperature probe, thus flooding all process functions. Once the system was activated, the technician cut the gas supply, high and low voltage. The extinction water, estimated at 300 m³, flowed into the 1000-m³ primary basin designed for this purpose. Out of precaution, the storm drain network was connected to the treatment plant via a lift pump. Ten employees were evacuated and no injuries reported. Upon investigation, the accident was attributed to a ball bearing that got hot causing the powder to first heat and then burn. The natural process ventilation and various recycling stages acted like a furnace and sparked a fire in the filter composed of 300 fabric sleeves. Site activity was suspended for 2 weeks to allow for thorough cleaning and repairs, estimated at €300,000. No redundancies were planned for employees, who were assigned to cleaning the building and installations. Subsequent to this accident, the dairy operator decided to: lower the chamber drying process air temperature (240°C instead of 250°C); lower the temperature detection thresholds so as to trigger the alarm and extinction earlier; and consolidate the extinction system on the filter by adding a second water line and commissioning a firm specialised in fire detection to test the new sensors introduced to analyse carbon oxide content variations and verify whether this system was compatible with the installations.