
Fire broke out around 7:30 pm in a used tyre depot with a volume of roughly 3,000 m³. This depot was located in the remote countryside surrounded by vineyards. The fire department intervened at around 10 pm and contained the fire within the depot boundary. All the tyres had burned, except for 50 lorry tyres located at the south-east end of the parcel. The fire had been set by an arsonist; it was started by a wrecked car brought to the site and set on fire. The tyre depot was in an irregular administrative situation, since a prefectural order of formal notice was issued on 22nd September, 2004 to regularise the situation by providing the required documentation or be shut down. A prefectural order dated 5th September, 2005 then ordered the deposit of €75,000 for the disposal of tyres. The operator was required to proceed with the removal of all fire debris and ground clean-up; the subsequent plans called for selling the parcel to a local farmer.