
At a gas bottle filling centre, fire broke out on the 13-kg propane bottle-filling carousel. A bottle was being filled when a leak occurred at the junction between the filling clip and the bottle tap. The locking flap, which serves to detect “connection faults” present on the filling station and interrupt discharges, had not been activated: the gas jet had not been aimed at this flap and was therefore incapable of activating it. The product leaked during a 12-second period. When the technician arrived to open the supply shutoff valve, a flash took place. The alarm was sounded and all personnel, except for the response team (3 or 4 individuals), gathered at the designated rallying points. The accident was brought under control with extinguishers in less than 2 min. Property damage was limited: the station’s compressed air hose deteriorated, plastic cover burned, roof locally damaged (corrugated clear plate made of a combustible material). Nonetheless, the station remained closed for 3 weeks, the time it took to appraise the incident. Ignition of the cloud was most likely due to an electrostatic phenomenon: the polycarbonate plates used to protect filling stations could have caused this phenomenon. According to tests conducted, these plates are able to charge quite easily. Out of precaution and to ensure adequate experience feedback, these plates were removed from all carousels used by the same facility operator. Moreover, gas detectors capable of activating the supply shutoff valve were installed on all filling stations.