
In a workshop dedicated to assembling recreational fireworks, the only qualified employee of the 4 on the job was repairing a machine when a short-circuit occurred. A spark ignited the pyrotechnic material located in the vicinity. A fire quickly spread within the premises due to the presence of other pyrotechnic materials, as well as combustibles. Among the 4 employees, 3 were able to escape, but the fourth, unable to find his way to exit the facility, died while trying. Another employee was severely burned in attempting a rescue, while a second rescuer sustained more minor injuries. Despite the efforts of the roughly 30-member fire crew for 4 consecutive hours, the workshop could not be saved. An investigation was undertaken to determine the precise causes of the accident. The workshop/depot had not been declared to the local Prefecture, and the business activity had never been addressed in either a workplace safety report or materials safety report.

The installation design and workspace layout did not comply with basic safety rules: absence of an emergency exit, cluttered workshop, no analysis of mutual workstation isolation, no analysis for treating anomalies, uncertified personnel, and the presence of combustibles on the premises. The lack of rigour in managing the workshop had led to dramatic consequences. Inspection authorities requested that all operations be suspended.