
A 29 year old man was sprayed with 2,4-DCP while working on a tubing leak. While there were no witnesses, available information indicates that the worker was apparently trying to clean a shut down pump by passing hot pressurized steam condensate through the pump to thaw frozen 2,4-DCP inside. It is believed that pressurized material sprayed out of a hole in the tubing connected to the pump. The hole had previously been hidden and sealed by solid 2,4-DCP but had been subsequently washed off. The sprayed worker bypassed the nearest safety shower to use the locker room shower where he fell unconscious. Immediate first-aid and resuscitation was unsuccessful and the worker was pronounced dead at the hospital one hour later. Skin contamination with 2,4-DCP involved his forearms, knee, thigh, and face. Death was attributed to acute dichlorophenol intoxication.