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Hydrofluoric Acid : The Worst Of All Acids?

Hydrofluoric acid : the worst of all acids?

Despite being produced 200 times less than sulphuric acid (1 M vs. 200 M tonnes/year), the ARIA database has recorded nearly 80 accidents involving hydrofluoric acid (HF) (vs. 220 for H2SO4). A series of recent accidents serves to recall its[...]
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Malicious Acts: Raising Awareness To Improve Prevention

Malicious acts: Raising awareness to improve prevention

Due to the goods and products they handle or the nuisances they create, industrial sites have long been the preferred targets for those with malicious intent: 4% of accidents occurring in classified facilities involve malicious intent. In light of this[...]
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Explosions in a hazardous materials warehouse

173 fatalitiesDestruction of civil infrastructure within a 1-km radiusCyanide pollutionSite rehabilitation Fire broke out at 10:50 pm at the site of a logistics company, operating since 2011 in the Tianjin port sector with a floor area covering 46,000 m². At[...]
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Seal Boxes : Not To Be Mistaken As A Cure For Ageing

Seal boxes : not to be mistaken as a cure for ageing

Commonly used to plug leaks on pipelines, seal boxes serve stop discharge flows without entirely shutting down production. Despite this advantage, several accidents have shown that this type of remedial action is not sustainable and moreover necessitates regular monitoring during[...]
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Anticipating Fire And Explosion Risks In Wood Silos

Anticipating fire and explosion risks in wood silos

Over the past 3 years, more than 40 fires involving silos containing wood chips or sawdust have been recorded in the ARIA database. In such instances, operational difficulties are commonly encountered by emergency services (lengthy interventions, vulnerability of storage structures,[...]
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