
An explosion occurred at 6:10 am inside an ammonium nitrate production unit (employing 119). A missile projectile during the explosion tore a 15-cm opening in a 3,800-m³ ammonia storage facility, producing a leak flowing out at a rate of 30 kg/s. The plant’s external emergency plan was activated. Within a radius of 30 km around the site, some 2,500 residents were evacuated until the evening, following dispersion of an ammonia cloud reported to have spread as far as 15 km. The human toll came to 4 deaths, all plant personnel, and 18 injured (2 among the general public outside the plant). The explosion damaged dwellings and other buildings beyond the site boundary. A high-voltage power line crossing the state of Missouri was also affected, and electricity supply service to a neighbouring state had to be cut for awhile.