
In a factory packaging agro-pharmaceutical products, an insecticide fell from a hopper on a packaging line while employees were changing the valve at the base of the machine. The building was evacuated owing to the presence of toxic dusts. A slight explosion occurred slightly thereafter (electrical incident -> sparks). A fire broke out and spread to neighbouring packaging (fertilizer…) and to the building (2 levels- 1,600 m²); 130 firemen intervened (3 were effected), 40 employees and local residents were evacuated. A neighbouring site and a childcare centre were instructed to confine themselves. The community was isolated. The firefighting water was collected in a 8,500 m³ catchpit. Certain difficulties were encountered during the intervention: the plant had been commissioned recently and the firefighting network was not yet operational, building inaccessible, fire doors closed, no executive personnel was had knowledge regarding the hazards at the site, slightly swirling wind, light rain and low ceiling, no map and products poorly known… Property damage was evaluated at 20 MF.