
At around 4:20 p.m., a fire broke out in a cooker in the pressing workshop of a sunflower oil production plant. This scenario was identified in the internal contingency plan. The plant’s motor-driven pump unit was activated, allowing the hose reels to be supplied. The fire was nearly brought under control by the time the fire brigade arrived. The rescue services sprayed down the pre-storage cell containing 40 tonnes of sunflower seeds and the 20-tonne cooker. Five employees had been exposed to the smoke. Road traffic was shut down in the village to facilitate the intervention of the fire brigade.

Significant property damage required that the plant be shut down for several days. The cooker, a strategic step in the oil production process, had been damaged by the fire. As the production part of the site where the fire occurred was not protected by a retention basin, the Inspection authorities for classified facilities requested that the facility operator inform the water treatment facility.