
Three consecutive explosion occurred around 8:35 a.m. in the press workroom of an explosives manufacturing factory. Three employees that started work in the room 15 minutes earlier were killed. According to a nearby employee, white smoke and flames were seen after the first explosion, the flames grew after the second explosion, and they rose to about one and a half times the height of the workroom at the third explosion.

The workroom is completely destroyed. Roofs and windows of 15 other workrooms were damaged, as well as several presses including an oil hydraulic press, a movable air press and an automatic explosives press) and worktables. About 4.8 kg of explosives were dispersed.

The workers were either manufacturing blasting fuses by PBX pressing (Plastic Bonding Explosive) or preparing work for disposal of waste explosives and defective goods when sensitive explosives ignited and exploded due to small impacts or static electricity. The explosives kept in the vicinity then exploded. The damage expanded because a large amount of explosives were kept in the workroom, although they were not necessary for work on that day.

The authorities underline that the explosives management system of the office had become stereotyped and that the manager in the office did not sufficiently grasp the field-work (insufficient check). They recall that the quantities of explosives to be kept in the workrooms should be limited to the necessary minimum for the work, in particular, when sensitive explosives are manufactured or are handled.

The operator will strengthen safety management (such as inspection of the operating manual by the explosives manufacturing protection manager and safety inspection of the field-work), improve the manufacturing safety manual and safety education.