
A fire of criminal origin broke out at around 6:20 pm and destroyed an 800 t, 2 m high and 5,000 m³ volume stock of tyres. Thick smoke was blown towards the neighbouring town. The exposed populations had to stay inside. The fire threatened to engulf 2 neighbouring sheds. Fire-fighters deployed significant resources to extinguish the fire due to the strong North-Westerly wind. The fire was controlled during the next morning. A fire-fighter injured when a monitor hose fell on him was hospitalised and operated on. An excavator belonging to the municipality constructed barricades to contain several thousands of m³ of polluted water on the site. The fire was extinguished at around 3.30 pm, but the fire-fighters stayed until the evening to prevent the fire from flaring up again. The fire extinguishing water rapidly seeped into the ground because the warehouse was located on the flood plains of the River Têt, located 100 m to the South. Samples were taken. The air network measurement results of the neighbouring town showed that the sensor located downwind of the fire 3.5 km to the South-East had recorded a significant increase in the dust content, which was usually below 10 microns/m³. However, the daily average of 34 microns/m³, on 27/12/2004, however remained lower than the limit values (55 microns/m³), but the average over the initial hours of the fire was 137 microns/m³, peaking at 194 between 8 pm and 9 pm. There was a limited impact on the urban population, given the late hour and the bad weather conditions (low temperatures and heavy wind). A market gardener, whose facilities bordered the tyre depot, noted the presence of soot on his lettuces cultivated in greenhouses. An expert appraisal determined a loss of 80% of the production, as most of the lettuces, even when washed, could not be sold. On 30 December, a specialist company recovered the dust residues. After sweeping, the site was covered using polyane film. The inspection authorities for classified facilities recommended a formal notification order be issued to the owner for removal of the waste and the performance of a hydro-geological study given the proximity of a drinking water supply borehole.