
A 160-tonne ladle of liquid steel pivoted and then became unhinged around 3:00 am inside a steel mill; the accident occurred during ladle lifting by the rail-mounted bridge crane that connects the refining station with the continuous casting shop. The explosion was triggered when the molten metal made contact with the wet concrete shop floor outside the recovery ditch; fire-fighters extinguished the molten steel. An employee burned by the steel heat rays radiating at 1,500°C had to be hospitalised, and 6 other employees are slightly injuried by explosion. Both the building siding and sheet metal protections on the adjacent workshop were blown out. The inappropriate positioning of one of the two hooks on the metal ladle and inadequate control (as specified in a recommendation) by the staff member assigned responsibility for verifying load fastening were the causes of this accident. The material damage was assessed at 500,000 euros, while production losses amounted to 700,000 euros.