
At a petrol station under construction at a shopping centre, an explosion occurs in a new storage tank being filled with premium unleaded petrol. The ensuing incipient fire is quickly brought under control by the driver of the tank truck delivering the fuel. One worker is killed while working on the manhole of the tank. The explosion causes no property damage aside from the tank, and no window breakage is reported. Initial findings reveal that construction work was still underway and that two external companies were working on the tank while 2 of its 4 compartments were being filled. The victim was emptying compartment 3 which had been filled with water the previous month. The compartment in which the explosion occurred had never contained fuel, but the vents of the four compartments were interconnected due to improper alignment. The fuel vapours from the compartment being filled migrated toward the empty compartment on which the victim was working. The explosion was probably initiated by operation of the pump immersed in the compartment or an action carried out by the victim. The inspectorate recommends that the prefect issue an order for emergency measures, requiring the facilities to be immediately secured (emptying, degassing, etc.). Prior notice is required as a condition to resuming activities.