
An explosion occurred in a plastic screen manufacturing plant, destroying the 4-storey building contained within. The cause of the explosion was not clear. According to witnesses, it was caused by a gas-operated industrial furnace. Many casualties were reported: out of the 9 people who died, 7 were found in the rubble, the 2 others died from their injuries once evacuated to the hospitals; out of the 44 people injured, 16 were in a critical condition, and 7 of these casualties had to be pulled out of the building’s ruins. Significant resources were deployed in an attempt to find survivors, who under such conditions can remain alive for several days: the emergency services lowered their carbon dioxide detectors into cavities in order to detect the presence of breathing; optical fibre cameras and sound sensors were used to detect vibrations below the human ear detection threshold and a team of dogs trained for such disasters assisted the operation. The plant was located right in the heart of the town centre, close to residential buildings and shops, and offices were located above the production unit. There were a large number of plants of the same type in the town. Following this accident, the authorities are examining the dangers posed by such installations to the nearby population and staff.