
At 10:30 pm, an explosion occurred while loading aluminium (Al) wastes into the oven of a plant specialised in the secondary melting of Al. The supervising technician sustained burns to his hands (2nd degree) due to the spattering of molten metal and fractured his vertebrae upon falling from the forklift. An anti-tank rocket had been present in the loaded wastes. The next day, the mine-clearing unit found a second rocket in the residual batch. The simple visual inspection implemented to eliminate elements not containing Al failed to detect the presence of these munitions. The scrap iron recovery firm that sold this batch of waste to the foundry was unable to trace its origin. The gendarmerie, courts, labour inspection office and Army conducted a joint investigation, whose findings cleared the foundry operator of any blame. The Inspection Authorities for Classified Facilities proposed that the Prefect issue an emergency order to eliminate, via a certified body, the remainder of the batch of Al waste containing the rocket. The operator agreed to stop doing business with this scrap recovery firm. Production resumed 8 days after the accident. Property damage was appraised at €63,000 and production losses at €305,000.