
In a 10,000-m³ cereal silo (with 6,600 m³ of metal cell space), fire broke out in a 400-tonne concrete cell. This accident necessitated calling in a subcontractor to apply sealant to the cell floor space. During this operation, workmen used a blowpipe to glue the sealant onto the inspection hatches. The dust stuck under the hatch burnt and incandescent particles fell onto grain piles causing their ignition.

A 200-m safety perimeter was placed around the facility and Departmental Highway No. 5 was closed to traffic. The fire was extinguished by injecting a highly expansive foam, following which cell contents were emptied into the courtyard. Inspectors for classified facilities proposed that the Prefect issue an injunction for the failure to take heat readings. The site operator’s plans called for completing the sealing works after thoroughly cleaning and draining the cells.