
A drip leak occurred at a marshalling yard on a 30,000-litre capacity tanker car containing 19 t of 60-85% hydrofluoric acid. A 200 m safety perimeter was installed along with a water curtain. Measurements of product concentration in the atmosphere proved to be insignificant. Rail traffic was slowed considerably as was the site’s track switching activity. The RD 42 highway was closed to traffic.

The chemical emergency squad plugged the leak using calcium carbonate, with 80 l flowing out drop by drop without pooling. This squad then proceeded to decontaminate the soil. Tanker car contents were transferred inside the plant assigned to deliver this product.

According to analysis, it turns out that the leak was entirely located at the level of the joint between the lower part of the valve and the dip tube. Despite being new, this joint had been weakened during assembly at the end of maintenance operations. The selected corrective action consisted of installing wider joints and raising awareness of personnel performing equipment technical controls prior to approval for transport.