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  • Accident
  • ARIA 60412
[...]d'un exploitant d'un site de méthanisation qu'un geyser de digestat se déverse le long d'un[...](débit 90 m³/h). Il informe l'administration de la situation. Le digestat s'est écoulé depuis la bouche[...]L'émulsion générée engorge le regard du fossé et le digestat s'écoule sur le bitume devant[...]complet des fossés souillés est réalisé. Le raclage du digestat est effectué sur une des[...]début de l'événement, le fossé est pompé.

50 m³ de digestat se sont déversés dans le[...]est une rupture d'une tête de canalisation contenant du digestat. Celle-ci pourrait être la conséquence[...] Read more

Pollution of Lourden lake

  • Accident
  • ARIA 57019

At around 6 a.m., a leak occurred on a digestate tank in a wastewater collection and treatment[...]the opening, then stopping up the opening 1 hour later, stopped the flow. The digestates retained and those remaining in the digester[...]firm's pumping machinery. They were stored in a silo on the site. The digestate storage tank was flushed and cleaned. The[...]The two samples taken, with fast result analyses, showed weak dilution of the digestates in the stream, but strong dilution as[...] Read more

Release of biogas at an anaerobic digestion firm

  • Accident
  • ARIA 56934
[...]height of the agitators was increased to reduce its production as stipulated by the operating procedures. The cause of this overproduction of foam is not known.

Following the event, the operator planned to lower the level of material in the tanks. The Classified Facilities Inspectorate also requested that an analysis of the digestates coming from the materials pumped in the retention area and reintroduced into the anaerobic digestion process should be performed before spreading.

Restarting of the digester was performed 6 weeks[...] Read more

Spillage of digestate in a methanation plant

  • Accident
  • ARIA 53584
[...]a methanation facility informed the operator of a digestate overflow in the lagoon[...]stopped the transfer pump feeding the lagoon with digestate and asked the pumping[...]and cleaning company to intervene. The digestate was confined to the[...]signs of aquatic mortality over 48 hours. The digestate was recovered by stripping[...]throughout the cleaned area.

In all, 60 m³ of digestate was discharged into the[...]the standard (30 cm from the edge) and that digestate did not need to[...]this subject. At 9:30 a.m., an operator started the digestate transfer pump linking the[...] Read more

Bursting of a digester’s double membrane roof

  • Accident
  • ARIA 50490
[...]angle clips flew into the flexible liquid digestate storage tank, puncturing it[...]valve to contain part of the liquid digestate. The storage tank was[...]a spill containment berm and the liquid digestate was pumped out. A[...]was polluted by 3–4 m³ of low-laden liquid digestate (2.5% dry matter). The[...]in the digester overflowed into the raw digestate buffer tank via the[...]two tanks. At around 3:00 a.m., the raw digestate buffer tank's high-level alarm[...]fail. The overpressure alarms on the raw digestate buffer tank and the[...](does not discharge materials when the raw digestate buffer tank's high-level alarm[...] Read more

Odour nuisance from a methanation installation

  • Accident
  • ARIA 53913
[...]the introduction of material into the digester was stopped completely. The reseeding of the digester, with slurry and digestate from another site, began two weeks later. Following this, the biological[...]of local residents were mobilised owing to the odour nuisance;
  • before the digester's reseeding phase, part of the unsuitable digestate, rich in VFAs and therefore more odorous than normal Read more
  • Fire at a methanisation plant

    • Accident
    • ARIA 55974
    • FRANCE

    On a Sunday at around 3 p.m., smoke generated by fermentation of organic matter was discharged into a 500m³ poultry manure shed at a methanisation plant. The alarm was raised by a technician present on the site following the emergency order issued after a digestate tank overflow, 6 days earlier (ARIA 55959). Firefighters sprayed the manure with 2 hoses to lower the temperature, and the manure was removed from the shed with a[...] Read more


    • Accident
    • ARIA 43753
    • FRANCE
    [...]impact sur l'activité), le diamètre des évents sera augmenté et l'alarme de niveau haut des cuves sera reportée sur le téléphone d'astreinte. La vanne de trop-plein sera supprimée et l'exploitant définira une procédure de mise en sécurité de l'installation pour les week-ends.

    D'autres incidents se produiront sur le site : fuites de digestat sur des cuves en avril 2014 puis en février 2017, rejet de biogaz suite à la déchirure de la membrane du post-digesteur en juillet 2015.

    [...] Read more


    • Accident
    • ARIA 60941
    • FRANCE
    [...]summary :

    Vers 15h30, le débordement d'une cuve de stockage de digestat est constaté dans une usine de[...]méthanisation agricole. Le digestat se répand sur la chaussée avant[...]voirie nettoient la chaussée.

    Le rejet est estimé à 20 m³ de digestat. Le fossé est pollué sur 185 m[...]initiale. Pendant son absence, un prestataire est intervenu pour transférer du digestat dans la cuve. La vanne étant[...]ouverte, du digestat s'est répandu sur la chaussée, le[...] Read more


    • Accident
    • ARIA 59761
    • FRANCE
    [...]l'exploitant débouche la canalisation de transfert pour rétablir la libre circulation du biogaz jusqu'à la torchère. Une fois ce biogaz évacué en totalité, l'exploitant ferme, vers 14 h, la vanne de la canalisation de transfert du biogaz du digesteur vers le post-digesteur. La membrane d'isolation thermique du digesteur toujours en place protège le digestat contenu d'une contamination extérieure. L'agitation dans le digesteur et le post-digesteur est réenclenchée.

    La quantité de biogaz directement envoyé à l'atmosphère est estimée entre 300 à 350 m³.

    La[...] Read more